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Arcadion Light-heavyweight M2 Savage Guide



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Final Fantasy 14‘s Arcadion raids feature a colorful cast of new raid bosses capable of merging with feral souls to augment their abilities. Among them, a community favorite, Honey B. Lovely, has emerged, doubling as both a pop idol and a fearsome combatant.

With the release of patch 7.05, the high-difficulty Savage version of the Arcadion Light-heavyweight Raid has been introduced, giving players the chance to take on an empowered version of Honey B. Lovely in a cartoonist’s reimagining of the real events. Those who triumph over even this improved version of the boss will be able to earn themselves gear from the item level 730 Dark Horse Champion gear set, equipment frequently found in each job’s best-in-slot equipment list. Read on to learn the best strategies for defeating Honey B. Lovely and earning this gear!


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Honey B. Lovely (Savage) Party Setup

Final Fantasy 14 XIV Online Dungeon Gear Rewards Patch 4.4 promo screenshot with game logo

Before beginning the fight, positions should be assigned to each player in a cardinal or intercardinal direction (e.g., north, northeast, etc.), as well as a partner group pairing each DPS player with a tank or healer, and a four-player group with one tank, one healer, and two DPS (commonly referred to as “light parties”). These positions and groups will be important for executing mechanics later in the fight, so it is essential for players to be familiar with them before the fight begins.

Honey B. Lovely Introduction

final fantasy 14 honey b lovely boss

Honey B. Lovely will begin the fight by introducing two abilities that will frequently appear throughout the fight: Splash of Venom and Drop of Venom. When cast, Honey B. Lovely will gain a buff augmenting their next use of Honey Beeline or Tempting Twist. Like the normal version of the fight, Honey Beeline will strike in a straight line in the direction the boss is facing, leaving explosive honey on the sides of the arena, while Tempting Twist hits in a donut shape, leaving explosive honey in a cross-shaped pattern. When augmented by Splash of Venom, an additional area of effect attacks (AoEs) will land on all eight players at the same time the honey explodes, while Drop of Venom creates four AoEs on either all DPS players or all tanks and healers, requiring them to share the hit with their assigned partners. The order and combination of these attacks is random, so players will need to look out for the name of the ability being cast and remember it while dodging Honey B. Lovely’s attacks. Whichever combination of attacks is used first, the remaining two options will always be cast second.

One trick that can help with remembering whether Drop or Splash of Venom was cast is having a player type the ability name in the chat window to have a written record, or to set up a dedicated chat tab to keep track of the abilities cast by the boss. To do this, click on the cogwheel in the bottom right of the chat window, and select the chat tab to be modified in the options menu. Under the middle “Battle” tab, select “Engaged Enemy” from the “Subject” list and make sure the “Actions initiated by engaged enemies” item is checked. All other items should be unchecked to reduce clutter.

After casting both Honey Beeline and Tempting Twist, Honey B. Lovely will introduce this fight’s tank buster abilities, heavy hitting attacks intended to be lethal to all but tank players using damage mitigating abilities. When executing a tank buster, Honey B. Lovely will randomly select between two attacks. Stinging Slash targets the two players with the highest enmity with a wide conal AoE, requiring both tanks to have their tank stances activated to prevent the attack from targeting the rest of the party. Killer Sting targets the player with the highest enmity with a circular AoE, dividing the damage with another player within the attack. Both tanks will need to stick together to survive the damage, or the main target can opt to use their invulnerability cooldown to survive the attack alone.

Honey B. Lovely Phase 1: Honey B. Live: 1st Beat

final fantasy 14 honey b lovely pose

The phase will begin with Honey B. Lovely casting Honey B. Live: 1st Beat, altering the arena’s appearance and placing a heart meter above each player’s head. Getting hit by any attack, including attacks required to execute mechanics, will add a heart to the meter. If all four slots of a player’s heart meter are filled, the player will be stunned, heal the boss for one percent of its health, and give the boss a stacking damage buff. At the start of this phase, nine hearts will be distributed randomly among the players, starting players with either zero, one, or two hearts.

Centerstage and Outerstage Combo

Two attacks frequently repeated in the Honey B. Live phases are Centerstage Combo and Outerstage Combo, each executing three attacks in quick succession that players must be prepared to dodge. Centerstage Combo performs a donut AoE and four conal AoEs in each diagonal, requiring players to stand close to the boss along the cardinal directions, followed by a large cross-shaped AoE striking the cardinal directions, finishing with a circular AoE ontop of the boss and four conal AoEs aimed in each of the cardinal directions, requiring players to position away from the boss along the diagonals. Outerstage Combo will perform the exact same attacks, but in reverse order.

Love Me Tender 1

Following Centerstage or Outerstage Combo, Honey B. Lovely will cast Love Me Tender, creating a series of ground AoEs that must have at least one player standing within them when they detonate to prevent them from exploding unmitigated and hitting the entire party (commonly referred to as “towers” or “soaks”). 11 towers will spawn in various locations around the arena, each adding one heart to the meter of anyone standing within them when they detonate. The goal of this mechanic is to spread the distribution of hearts as equally possible across all players while avoiding reaching full hearts. If all hearts are spread equally, four players should have two hearts, while the remaining players should all have three hearts.

To help facilitate even distribution of hearts, it can be useful to assign players quadrants of the room based on their clock position to be responsible for.

Once all 11 towers have detonated, Loveseeker will be cast, creating a large AoE in the center of the arena, followed by a series of slow-moving hearts approaching from both the center and the perimeter of the arena, inflicting any player hit with a heart. During this attack, Honey B. Lovely will target one player with Heartsick, a tracking AoE that splits damage and four hearts between all targets hit. Players with two or fewer hearts should aim to stand in this attack to share the damage and hearts, while players with three hearts should avoid this AoE to not max out their heart meters. Once resolved, Honey B. Lovely will finish the phase by casting Honey B. Finale.

Honey B. Lovely Phase 2: Alarm Pheromones 1

ff14 key art for the arcadion raid

Once the arena has returned to its default state, Honey B. Lovely will perform another tank buster attack, followed by Alarm Pheromones, summoning a swarm of Groupbees around the outside of the arena. This attack is identical to the version from Honey B. Lovely’s normal difficulty fight, with the summoned bees each targeting a random player with Blinding Love, a line AoE indicated by green arrows, firing off after a short delay. Players will need to dodge 16 of these attacks before Honey B. Lovely begins the next phase with Honey B. Live: 2nd Beat.

While the order the Groupbees attack in is random, the direction of their attack can be somewhat baited by stacking players together. Some groups have found success by stacking the entire group along the edge of the arena and dodging the attacks together, while others have separated melee and ranged players into two groups placed on opposite ends of the arena. Experiment and see what works for you!

Honey B. Lovely Phase 3: Honey B. Live: 2nd Beat

final fantasy 14 honey b lovely hearts

As the second Honey B. Live phase begins, two DPS players and two tanks or healers will start with one heart of their meter already filled, while the rest of the players will have a completely empty heart meter. Shortly after, Honey B. Lovely will cast either Drop of Love or Spread Love. Like Drop of Venom or Splash of Venom from the introduction of the fight, these abilities will give the boss a buff, augmenting her next use of Honey Beeline or Tempting Twist. Drop of Love will follow this attack with four AoEs targeting either all DPS players or all tanks and healers that must be shared with a partner, while Spread Love targets all eight players with an AoE that must be spread apart to avoid hitting each other.

Love Me Tender 2

One DPS player and one tank or healer with zero hearts will be targeted with a stack marker that distributes four hearts among all targets hit, requiring the attack to be shared with at least one other player to avoid being charmed. At the same time, five AoEs will target their current position before exploding shortly after. These zero-heart players will have to stick together while dodging the AoEs in order to ensure the stack marker is shared with enough people.

Concurrently, one DPS player and one tank or healer starting the phase with one heart will be targeted with an unavoidable AoE that tracks their position, while two ground AoEs will appear that must be soaked to prevent them from exploding and hitting the entire party. Players with the tracking AoE will have to position themselves away from other players, while the remaining one-heart players with no AoEs on them should position themselves inside these new ground AoEs to soak them. If all mechanics are executed correctly, all players should have two hearts each.

A common strategy to handle this series of mechanics is to assign all players starting the phase with zero hearts a position next to the boss, while all players starting the phase with one heart position directly in the center of the arena. The zero-heart players will avoid the AoEs placed on their position by running in a circle around the boss and taking both stack markers as a single group of four, resulting in all four players ending with two hearts each. As the boss targets the one-heart players with their AoEs, these players should loosely spread to identify their next action. Players targeted with an AoE should spread away from other players, the DPS player without an AoE should soak either the east or south ground AoE, and the tank or healer without an AoE should soak either the north or west ground AoE.

After all these mechanics have been resolved, Honey B. Lovely will finally cast either Honey Beeline or Tempting Twist, and players will have to dodge the follow-up attack based on whether the boss previously cast Drop of Love or Spread Love from the beginning of the phase.

Honey B. Lovely Phase 4: Alarm Pheromones 2

final fantasy 14 solution nine artwork

Honey B. Lovely will once again begin the phase by casting either Drop of Venom or Splash of Venom, requiring players to remember which buff is activated until the end of the phase. Shortly after, Alarm Pheromones will be cast again, calling four Groupbees to cast Blinding Love in a crosshatch formation, leaving a square in the center of the arena and four smaller sections along the edge of the arena safe. At the same time, Honey B. Lovely herself will cast Poison Sting, targeting one random DPS player and one random tank or DPS player with an orange marker that will detonate and leave behind a lingering puddle, poisoning anyone within it. Poison Sting will be cast four times in a row, targeting each player will receive this marker once, and resulting in eight total puddles.

Players should approach this mechanic by starting off within the center square safe zone and waiting for the boss to cast Poison Sting. As the cast begins, players with an orange marker above their head should leave the center safe zone and move to a safe spot along the perimeter of the arena, with DPS players prioritizing safe spaces on the south and east of the arena, while tanks and healers prioritize safe spaces on the north and west. After the player’s Poison Sting puddle has been placed in an appropriate location, they can return to the rest of the party at the center of the arena, and the newly targeted players should make their way outside.

After all eight puddles have been placed, Honey B. Lovely will begin casting Bee Sting, targeting one random DPS player and one random tank or healer with a stack marker, splitting high damage across all targets hit. While still standing within the center safe square, tanks and healers should lean towards the north and west of the square to safely divide the damage amongst each other, while all DPS players should lean towards the south and east of the square to resolve their stack marker together. The phase concludes with one final tank buster, followed by a Honey Beeline or Tempting Twist, buffed by either Drop of Venom or Splash of Venom from the beginning of the phase.

Honey B. Lovely Phase 5: Honey B. Live: 3rd Beat

final fantasy 14 honey b lovely posing

With the cast of Honey B. Live: 3rd Beat, all players will being with empty heart meters and be afflicted with the Poison ‘n’ Pop debuff, lasting either 25 seconds or 45 seconds, detonating in a large AoE when the debuff expires. The duration of these debuffs will always be organized based on the role of each player, meaning if one DPS player has a 25-second Poison ‘n’ Pop debuff, all DPS players will have a 25 second debuff, while all tanks and healers will have the 45-second variation. As is tradition, Honey B. Lovely will also cast Drop of Love or Spread Love which will need to be remembered for the end of the phase.

The phase continues with either Centerstage Combo or Outerstage Combo, summoning four ground AoEs that must be soaked at the same time. To handle this, players should first dodge the Centerstage or Outerstage Combo, with players whose Poison ‘n’ Pop debuffs are about to expire running to the outside of the arena to their designated clock spot immediately after. Players with longer Poison ‘n’ Pop debuffs should instead run to the middle of the arena to avoid being hit while also identifying which ground AoE they will need to soak based on their clock spot. Once the first set of players’ Poison ‘n’ Pop debuffs have detonated, the remaining players should immediately move into the ground AoEs to ensure they are soaked. These set attacks will then be repeated a second time with the roles reversed.

After both sets of Poison ‘n’ Pop debuffs have detonated, the phase will conclude with Honey Beeline or Tempting Twist, augmented by either Drop of Love or Spread Love from the beginning of the phase.

Honey B. Lovely Phase 6: Rotten Heart

final fantasy 14 honey b lovely defeated

The final phase will begin once Honey B. Lovely casts Rotten Heart, inflicting all players with either the Beeloved Venom Alpha or Beeloved Venom Beta debuff, lasting either 12, 28, 44, or over one minute long. These debuffs will instantly defeat or paralyze the affected player at the end of its duration, and can only be cleansed by having one player with Beeloved Venom Alpha walk into a player with Beeloved Venom Beta, triggering a high-damage raid-wide explosion and applying a seven-second Magic Vulnerability Up debuff to all players. Additionally, Honey B. Lovely will cast Call Me Honey every 17 seconds, dealing heavy magic damage to all players, lethal to any players with the Magic Vulnerability Up debuff.

To correctly handle this mechanic, players should begin by spreading around the boss into their clock spots before the phase begins to prevent any players from detonating their debuffs prematurely. Once all players are healed up from Rotten Heart, the player with the shortest duration Beeloved Venom Alpha and Beloved Venom Beta debuffs should meet at the center of the arena to cleanse the effect. All other players will need to wait until the boss casts Call Me Honey before cleansing any more Beeloved Venoms, as the Magic Vulnerability Up debuff will not expire in time, and healers will need to be ready to restore the health of their party before Call Me Honey is cast. This process will repeat four times before Honey B. Lovely begins casting her enrage.

Sheer Heart Attack marks the beginning of the fight’s enrage, the time limit in which players must defeat the boss. If allowed to cast, Sheer Heart Attack will instantly inflict all players with full heart meters, restoring eight percent of the boss’ health, and stunning all players for a final, lethal Honey B. Finale.

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In a bid to cut e-waste, Microsoft is employing AI-powered robots to streamline the disposal of old data center hard drives.

The initiative is part of the Secure and Sustainable Disposal of Hard Disks project, which originated during the 2022 Microsoft Hackathon. Spearheaded by Principal Data Scientist Ranganathan Srikanth, the project expands on Microsoft’s Circular Centers scheme which is designed to repurpose and recycle servers and related cloud hardware.

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This Xbox Controller Is Cheaper Than Ever Before



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GameSir G7 HE Wired

GameSir G7 HE Wired Controller

$45 $50 Save $5

Xbox gamers can now access GameSir’s popular G7 HE wired controller at a more affordable price, thanks to a limited-time discount. It addition to the 10% discount, Amazon is also offering a 5% off coupon that is added at the checkout.

Xbox gamers ahoy! Now, for a limited time, the GameSir G7 HE controller is priced at the lowest price ever recorded on Amazon, $44.99. However, even beyond this Amazon is offering an additional 5% coupon, which can be applied for more savings. Just the initial discount would be enough to make this controller as cheap as it has ever been on the platform, making this a superb deal for anyone with an Xbox and looking for additional controllers.

The G7 HE is one of the dozens of controllers in GameSir’s amazing collection of peripherals. The company is among the most well-regarded brands in the game controller space, with a portfolio that puts many of the traditional gaming gear companies to shame. It designs and develops controllers for all major platforms, including PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and mobile. Regardless of the pedigree of the gamer, GameSir has products for every level, from beginner to professional.

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Why Gamers Should Consider the GameSir G7 HE

The GameSir G7 HE is an excellent Xbox game controller that brings advanced features while keeping the price in check. It includes several features that make it stand out in its class. The Hall Effect sensor sticks are designed to offer precise control and eliminate drift, a common issue in some controllers. These sticks provide excellent feedback, giving players smooth and consistent movement in-game. Additionally, its Hall Effect magnetic triggers are ideal for players who need quick, responsive inputs, perfect for competitive players.

The controller’s non-slip silicone grip ensures it remains comfortable to use and doesn’t cause any accidental presses due to sweaty palms. It also features microswitch face buttons, which are built to withstand millions of clicks, so durability is not an issue. For added flexibility, the back buttons can be remapped to fit the player’s personal gaming style or the requirements of a specific game. Customization is important to many Xbox gamers and the G7 HE delivers on that regard as well.

Speaking of customization, one unique aspect of the GameSir G7 HE is its customizable faceplate. The magnetic design allows players to easily swap out faceplates, or even paint and create their own, adding a unique, personal touch to their setup. The controller also includes rumble motors for tactile feedback and a standard 3.5 mm headphone jack for easy sound connectivity. Grab the GameSir G7 HE controller on Amazon for a limited time at $44.99 plus a 5% discount via coupon at the checkout.

Key Features

  • Hall Effect sticks ensure smooth and accurate control
  • Microswitch face buttons rated for millions of clicks
  • Customizable magnetic faceplate for personalization

Check this deal out on Amazon

MORE: The Best Controllers for Sports Games in 2024

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Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3



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Key Takeaways

  • Kingdom Hearts 3 offers a variety of Keyblades with unique abilities and Formchanges
  • Some Keyblades focus on magic, others on strength, providing strategic options for combat
  • Obtaining powerful Keyblades like Ultima Weapon requires significant in-game achievements.

As far as Kingdom Hearts games go, the latest addition makes for an impressive hack-and-slash experience. Kingdom Hearts 3 delivers not only visually but also in terms of stylish combat mechanics. From Shotlocks to Flowmotion commands, Sora can unleash a multitude of flashy combos that can knock down even the toughest enemies.

Of course, his weapon of choice makes a comeback in a big way. This time around, every Keyblade can undergo upgrades and Form changes, giving each one its own utility at every point in the game. Despite the reduced number of Keyblades available, each one proves useful in its own way. However, this doesn’t stop some from outshining others.

Updated on September 16, 2024, by Justin Flynn: Kingdom Hearts 3 follows Sora on yet another dangerous adventure, and like with his previous journeys, this one provides him with a great selection of reliable weapons. Coming with Formchanges and unique abilities, each Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts 3 does something worthwhile, but some are simply better than others. With the series having finally come to Steam, even more gamers have had the chance to dive into the world of Kingdom Hearts and wield the mighty Keyblade. For both newcomers and longtime fans alike looking to get the most out of this weapon, here is a ranking of the best Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 3.

19 Kingdom Key

Sora’s Default Weapon

The Kingdom Key in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Strength: +9
  • Magic: +8
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Treasure Magnet, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Default weapon

The Kingdom Key is Sora’s most iconic Keyblade, but it will usually be unequipped fairly quickly after something better is unlocked. When activated, its Formchange, Second Form, permits Sora the opportunity to perform some of his more iconic Kingdom Hearts 2 abilities.

Boasting a somewhat disappointing 4 Strength and 3 Magic, the Kingdom Key is far from a reliable means of vanquishing Sora’s foes. However, it can be useful for those who wish to collect the treasure dropped by Sora’s enemies thanks to its Treasure Magnet ability. As his default weapon, Sora will have access to the Kingdom Key from the beginning of the game.

18 Elemental Encoder

Increases The Drop Rate Of Items But Is Lacking In Power

Elemental Encoder, the EGS Exclusive Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Strength: +9
  • Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Lucky Strike, Magic Roulette, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Automatically unlocked for Epic Games Store players

The Elemental Encoder is essentially a recoloring of Mickey’s Star Cluster Keyblade. The Elemental Encoder is unlocked automatically for those playing Kingdom Hearts 3 via the Epic Games Store, and its black-and-white color palette helps it to stand out from its similar-looking counterparts.

Providing Sora with 4 Strength and 4 Magic, this particular Keyblade doesn’t offer much in terms of stats, but its abilities can be pretty useful, especially during the early-game. Lucky Lucky increases the drop rate of items when defeating enemies, and Magic Roulette allows Sora to make use of Grand Magic even when he has not filled the Grand Magic gauge.

17 Dead Of Night

A Good Option For Those Looking To Farm Rare Items During The Early-Game

Dead of Night, the Steam Exclusive Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Strength: +9
  • Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Lucky Strike, Magic Roulette, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Automatically unlocked for Steam players

Like the Elemental Encoder, the Dead of Night is also a recoloring of Mickey’s new Keyblade. The Dead of Night is available to those playing Kingdom Hearts 3 via Steam, and it is arguably one of the cooler-looking Keyblades available in the entire game.

Boasting a typical 4 Strength and 4 Magic, this Keyblade quickly proves itself to be easily replaceable, but it does come with some unique abilities that can be quite useful. The Lucky Strike ability increases the chance of enemies dropping rare items, and Magic Roulette allows Sora to execute Grand Magic without filling the Grand Magic gauge.

16 Dawn Till Dusk

Somewhat Weak But Grants Sora Access To A Powerful Fire Spell

Dawn Till Dusk, the 7-Eleven exclusive Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Strength: +9
  • Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Fire Boost, Firaza, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Available to purchase through the Microsoft Store and the PlayStation Store

The Dawn Till Dusk can be purchased from the Microsoft Store and the PlayStation Store. Like the Elemental Encoder and Dead of Night, it is essentially another recoloring of Mickey’s new Keyblade, the Star Cluster, and though it is pretty to look at, it is a weapon that is destined to be replaced as players progress.

Offering a lackluster 4 Strength and 4 Magic, the Dawn Till Dusk Keyblade is more-or-less on par with the Kingdom Key, but fans of Fire magic will likely enjoy the abilities it comes with. Even at its base level, this Keyblade allows Sora to cast Firaza, a devastating AoE spell that can tear through groups of enemies with ease.

15 Starlight

Allows Sora To Recover His MP More Quicky But Is Surprisingly Weak For When It’s Unlocked

The Starlight Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Strength: +9
  • Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) MP Haste, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Beat the Demon Tide in the Keyblade Graveyard

The Starlight Keyblade is unlocked once Sora, Donald, and Goofy have defeated the Demon Tide in The Keyblade Graveyard. Most fans would expect a decent reward after vanquishing such a formidable opponent, but sadly, the Starlight Keyblade is one of the weakest weapons in the game.

With its 4 Strength and Magic, the Starlight Keyblade is only slightly better than the Kingdom Key, so there isn’t much point in equipping it at this point in the game. Its Formchange, Second From S, allows Sora to perform some classic Kingdom Hearts 2 moves, but the player would benefit more from prioritizing strength over nostalgia for the yet-to-come battles.

14 Shooting Star

Provides Sora With A Fun Ranged Approach To Combat, But Better Options Are Available

The Shooting Star in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +8
  • Max Magic: +10
  • Abilities: Magic Treasure Magnet (Lv. 0), Formchange Extender (Lv. 4)
  • How to Get: Complete the first visit to Twilight Town

Sora receives the Shooting Star Keyblade during his first visit to Little Chef’s Bistrot. Players who wish to prioritize Magic over Strength will find plenty of use for this Keyblade during the beginning of the game thanks to its 5 Magic and 3 Strength, but they will soon find themselves replacing it with something better.

It can be a big help during the Toy Story and Tangled worlds, but as soon as Sora receives the Ever After Keyblade, the Shooting Star will quickly be forgotten. Though it’s one of the weaker weapons in the game, its Double Arrowguns and Magic Launcher Formchanges can be a great help when players wish to attack from a distance.

13 Hero’s Origin

A Great Early-Game Option For Those Looking To Prioritize Defense

Hero's Origin in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +10
  • Max Magic: +7
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Defender, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to Olympus

The Hero’s Origin Keyblade is obtained after Sora defeats the Titans in Olympus. Though it’s only the second Keyblade he unlocks, it can be extremely beneficial to have during most of Kingdom Hearts 3’s boss battles.

It only has 5 Strength and 2 Magic, but it features one of the most reliable means of defense in the entire game. The Counter Shield Formchange allows Sora to block oncoming attacks and redirect them back at his enemies. If timed correctly, deflected attacks can deal a baffling amount of damage. The Grand Chef Keyblade offers a similar ability, but it takes much more effort to obtain. Until it’s unlocked, the player should make use of Hero’s Origin in its stead.

12 Hunny Spout

A Must-Have For Ranged Enthusiasts And Ingredient Hunters

Hunny Spout in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +9
  • Max Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Harvester, (Lv. 6) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to the 100 Acre Wood

This Keyblade isn’t just fun to use; it’s also super cute. The weapon has a nostalgic wooden handle with a stack of Pooh’s favorite honey pots making up the rest of the blade. Sora will unlock the Hunny Spout Keyblade after completing the heartwarming 100-Acre Woods story.

The Hunny Spout has a good balance of stats, with a Magic of 6 and Strength of 5, and it has powerful Form Change attacks. The Keyblade Formchanges include Hunny Launcher and Hunny Blasters, along with the Shotlocks named Hunny Burst, Hunny Drizzle, and Sweet Surprise, which deal critical slowdown effects on the opponent. The Harvest ability that comes with this Keyblade also allows Sora to collect an additional ingredient whenever they acquire a single one, making it incredibly useful for those going for 5 Stars in Le Grand Bistrot.

11 Favorite Deputy

A Solid Early-Game Weapon That Offers Reliable Form Changes

Favortie Deputy in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +10
  • Max Magic: +8
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Lucky Strike, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to the Toy Box

Favorite Deputy is the Keyblade obtained after completing the Toy Box world’s story. It has a maximum Strength of 10 and Magic of 8. Two stand-out features of this Keyblade include its Lucky Strike ability and its Formchanges. Lucky Strike increases the likelihood of synthesis materials dropping, making it very useful for upgrading other items.

The Boost Hammer and Drill Punch Formchanges transform the Keyblade into a giant hammer and drill, respectively. The hammer deals with groups especially well, while the drill can focus loads of damage on a single target.

10 Crystal Snow

A Mobility And Magic-Focused Weapon That Prevents The User From Being Frozen

Crystal Snow in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +8
  • Max Magic: +11
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Freeze Protection, (Lv. 9) Blizzard Boost
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to Arendelle

This beautiful Keyblade does an excellent job of representing the frozen land of Arendelle, where players can nab it. With a maximum 8 Strength and 11 Magic, Crystal Snow focuses more on casting powerful spells. However, it handles very well as a physical weapon in both of its Formchanges.

Blizzard Claw turns it into a set of icy claws, while the Blizzard Blade acts as a pair of ice skates and arm blades. Freeze Protection also aids in negating the Freeze status, and Blizzard Boost increases the power of Blizzard spells.

9 Ever After

Provides Sora With Great Range, Mobility, And Emergency Heal Opportunities

Ever After in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +7
  • Max Magic: +11
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Leaf Bracer, (Lv. 4) Aeroza, (Lv. 10) Aero Boost
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to the Kingdom of Corona

The Ever After Keyblade is unlocked after Sora defeats the Grim Guardianess in the Kingdom of Corona. It may not seem like a great addition to Sora’s arsenal with its 2 Strength, but its 7 Magic can be a great help to those who utilize Magic.

Its Mirage Staff Formchange allows Sora to glide across the arena while dealing out magical attacks from a distance. If Sora attacks from different locations in quick succession, a flurry of magical bursts will launch in the direction of his enemies. Its Shimmering Drops Shotlock can also be a great means of replenishing Sora’s health. Though it’s one of the weaker Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 3, this ability alone makes it a must-have for late-game battles.

8 Grand Chef

A More Magic-Oriented Hero’s Origin

Grand Chef in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +9
  • Max Magic: +11
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Wizard’s Ruse, (Lv. 3) Chef Extraordinaire
  • How to Get: Achieve 5 Star with Le Grand Bistrot

This impressive Keyblade isn’t the easiest to obtain, as the Grand Chef requires Sora to have cooked every single recipe in Kingdom Hearts 3. Not only that, but it requires Sora to have achieved an “Excellent” rating on each recipe. To collect all recipes, Sora will need to have gathered every ingredient and used them to create stunning meals in Little Chef’s Bistro. Only then can he get the Grand Chef Keyblade, which boasts Magic of 7 and Strength of 5 at its base level.

Grand Chef can transform into a gigantic frying pan that hits a lot of opponents at once and moves very quickly. It’s great for clearing out big groups of enemies all at once. Even if Sora already has a better Keyblade by the time he unlocks the Grand Chef, it’s still an awesome achievement to get it.

7 Happy Gear

A Great Option For Those Who Enjoy Using Shotlocks

Happy Gear in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +11
  • Max Magic: +7
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Focus Converter, (Lv. 6) Full MP Blast
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to Monstropolis

This Keyblade, acquired after completing Monstropolis, focuses primarily on physical attack. When fully upgraded, it offers 11 Strength and 7 Magic, and it allows players to use Shotlocks often thanks to its Focus Converter ability.

Despite its lower Magic stat, its secondary Full MP Blast ability gives spells a power boost when at full MP. Its Assault Claw Formchange is similar to Crystal Snow’s Blizzard Claw, but the Twin Yoyo Formchange transforms into a set of deadly spinning projectiles. Its finishing moves make quick work of single targets.

6 Wheel Of Fate

An Incredibly Powerful Late-Game Weapon That Provides Sora With Great Formchanges

Wheel of Fate in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +11
  • Max Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 6) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to The Caribbean

Players nab this swashbuckling Keyblade after completing the story in The Caribbean. It has a decent mix of 11 Strength and 9 Magic when fully upgraded. On top of that, the Keyblade also has the ability to cast Waterza to deal water-based damage in a massive spread.

Its Highwind Formchange transforms the Keyblade into a spear, while the Storm Flag changes it into a large banner-like flag. Both swipe and lunge at enemy targets to deal with crowds and bosses effectively. In this way, Wheel of Fate perfectly combines power with style.

5 Nano Gear

A Great Late-Game Keyblade That Gives Sora Stun Protection

Nano Gear in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +10
  • Max Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Stun Protection, (Lv. 6) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to San Fransokyo

Nano Gear appears late in Kingdom Hearts 3 after completing the San Fransokyo world. It carries 10 Strength and 9 Magic at its maximum level and comes paired with the Stun Protection ability. This helps immensely with hard-hitting bosses that would otherwise render Sora immobile for a short time.

Nano Gear’s only Formchange, Nano Arms, changes into a variety of weapons depending on the attack. It also comes with a powerful finisher that skewers enemies with teleporting nanobot spears. Those tiny black dots pack a serious punch.

4 Oblivion

An Incredibly Strong Weapon With A Powerful Dual Wield Formchange

Oblivion in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +13
  • Max Magic: +11
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) HP Converter, (Lv. 4) Situation Boost, (Lv. 9) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Use the Proof of Times Past at a Moogle shop

In the 1.07 update of Kingdom Hearts 3, the two coolest Keyblades in the entire series were added to the game: Oblivion and Oathkeeper. They are no easy weapons to unlock, proving to be a challenge for even the most skilled, veteran players. Players have to obtain the Proof of Time Past in order to get the Oblivion.

This requires them to have completed the game on Critical Mode, which is regarded as the most difficult mode of any Kingdom Hearts game in the franchise. It’s totally worth it though, offering a whopping 13 Strength and 11 Magic, with a powerful Dark Form and Double Form.

3 Oathkeeper

A More Balanced Oblivion That Also Offers A Great Dual Wield Formchange

Oathkeeper in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +12
  • Max Magic: +12
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) MP Converter, (Lv. 4) Situation Boost, (Lv. 9) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Use the Proof of Promises at a Moogle shop

Unlocking this Keyblade will take a lot of time and effort, as it requires players to have obtained the Proof of Promise. This Proof can be unlocked when players find all 90 Lucky Emblems in the game. They have to locate and take a photo of every emblem, each of which is hidden all across the worlds, with some being in very difficult and tricky spots.

Oathkeeper is very balanced, just like the Oblivion Keyblade, with 12 Strength and 12 Magic. It grants access to a Light Form and a Double Form finisher, which unlocks the highly loved ability to dual wield Keyblades in battle. The Oathkeeper Keyblade, dual-wielded with the Oblivion, is an iconic look for Sora, as the two blades have been seen paired together in the prior games.

2 Classic Tone

The Most Powerful Magic Option In The Game

Classic Tone in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +11
  • Max Magic: +14
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0, Lv. 6, & Lv. 9) MP Haste
  • How to Get: Achieve high scores in the Classic Kingdom games

Only a few Keyblades unlock by means outside the main story, and Classic Tone is one such Keyblade. Sora must first find and set record scores on all 23 Classic Kingdom mini-games. Afterward, this powerful yet unconventional Keyblade becomes available. Its 11 Strength and 14 Magic are no joke.

Classic Tone’s Formchanges, Boom Hammer, and Clock Drill, mimic that of the Favorite Deputy Keyblade. Even so, it proves itself more powerful by coming with three MP Haste abilities equipped, granting access to more magic attacks.

1 Ultima Weapon

The Strongest Weapon That Sora Can Unlock

Ultima Weapon in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • Max Strength: +13
  • Max Magic: +13
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Air Combo Boost, Combo Boost, Situation Boost
  • How to Get: Item Synthesis

While it may seem obvious at this point, Ultima Weapon nevertheless proves to be the superior Keyblade in all facets. It has a balanced yet impressive 13 Strength and Magic. Combo Boost and Air Combo Boost improve the damage output of combo attacks, and Situation Boost fills the Situation Command gauge much faster.

Not only that, but its Ultimate Form comes with a massive power boost and a slew of abilities. While it may take some time to synthesize this weapon, it once again proves to be worth the effort.

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